Early Signs Of Pregnancy Pregnancy Stages Of Pregnancy

Recognizing Some Early Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy

Are you pregnant? There are certain signs and symptoms that a woman is able to recognize during the early pregnancy stages. Some of the most common early pregnancy signs and symptoms include such things as nausea, heartburn, fatigue, bloating, and weight gain

Are you pregnant? There are certain signs and symptoms that a woman is able to recognize during the early pregnancy stages, and these signs and symptoms should be taken greatly into consideration, as learning about and understanding them will help you to recognize earlier on if you are pregnant.

What are the Early Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms?
Some of the most common early pregnancy signs and symptoms include such things as nausea, heartburn, fatigue, bloating, weight gain, and breast and nipple soreness, for example. Early pregnancy certainly has its share of discomforts, some of which are almost universal, such as that of mild nausea and fatigue.

Basically what happens is that soon after you conceive, your body begins going through a series of minor and major changes, of which will enable it to sustain your baby through the required amount of growth time. The glands of your endocrine system and placenta, for instance, begin to step up the hormone production and your blood volume increases and your uterus expands as well.

Generally, by about the fourth month of [tag-cat]pregnancy[/tag-cat] you will probably be beginning to feel much more like your old self, as many of the early pregnancy signs and symptoms will have weaned off by now, and because your body has at least somewhat adjusted to these dramatic changes that are taking place both inside and outside of your body.

There are certain methods that you can use in order to help relieve some of these symptoms, such as in regards to morning sickness, which is one of the most commonly reported; in order to manage morning sickness you can: munch on a few crackers before getting up in the morning, eat several small meals a day so that your stomach is never empty, avoid anything that causes nausea, drink plenty of liquids, try wearing a motion sickness band, suck on hard candy, or try ginger as it has proved effective in combating [tag-tec]morning sickness[/tag-tec].

Constipation is another commonly reported [tag-ice]symptom of pregnancy[/tag-ice], and there are ways that you can manage this as well, including: try to eat on a regular schedule, drink plenty of liquids, get some exercise every day, eat high-fiber fruits and vegetables, and try fiber supplements such as psyllium powder or Metamucil.

Although some of these methods may not work perfectly for you, at least attempting them will surely help you overall at least a little bit, and the more help you can get the better.

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