by Patricia Hughes
Baby names, there are thousands to pick from. During your pregnancy, you may spend a fair amount of time considering names for your baby. You may have some names in mind even before you get pregnant. If not, a good baby name book may help. There are many websites with databases of baby names for you to peruse. Once you have found the perfect name, you will have to negotiate with your partner. There are several things to consider when choosing the perfect name for your baby. Here are some questions to ask when selecting a name:
How does the name sound alone and with your last name?
Say the name out loud to hear how it sounds. My husband did this with our second daughter. He had two names that he liked and he’d pretend to call her using both names to see which he liked better. At the time, I laughed at him, but it did work. When saying the name with your last name, make sure they don’t rhyme. In most cases, a multi syllable first name sounds good with a single syllable last name and vice versa.
What are some common nicknames for the name you like?
Do you like the nicknames used for the name you have chosen? Even if you don’t use the nickname, there’s no guarantee it won’t be used when your child gets to school. For example, if you love the name Zachary, but hate Zack, you may want to pick another name. When the [tag-ice]baby[/tag-ice] is small, you have control. You will lose that control later on. Be sure the name has a nickname you can live with.
What are the initials?
When selecting a first, middle and last name, consider your child’s initials. You may over look this, but the kids in school won’t. Amanda Sarah Smith is a lovely name with very unfortunate initials, as is Frances Allen Thomson. Be sure the initials of your child’s name don’t spell anything, especially anything that can lead to ridicule. Kids can be cruel.
Do you want to use a family name?
Some people choose the name of a [tag-tec]family[/tag-tec] member for their child. Many of the older names are coming back in style, while others are still outdated and not attractive. If you choose a family name, make sure you like the name. My youngest is named for my grandmother, Madeleine. This was both to honor her and because I really did love her name.
If you want to honor a grandparent, but hate the name, consider it as a middle name. Our other three children all carry the middle name of a grandparent. If you don’t like it as a middle name either, consider the Jewish tradition and use the first initial of the name. For example, if your grandfather’s name was Joe, you could use Jacob or Jason to honor his memory.
What does the name mean?
Some people choose a name for its meaning. When you are reading the baby book, pay attention to the meanings of the names you like. You may find something both beautiful and meaningful.
What associations does the name have for you?
Some names carry an association with them. These can be either positive or negative associations. It could be someone you really liked or someone you didn’t get along with when you were in school. Skip any names that have a negative association for you or your spouse.
How will you spell it?
Invented spellings have been popular in recent years. This can be unique or can cause problems for your child. If the name will be difficult to spell or pronounce, you may want to re think the spelling. It can be frustrating for your child if no one ever spells her name right.
How to negotiate for the name you want?
Once you have found the perfect name for your baby, you will need to convince your partner that it’s perfect. You only need to negotiate with your partner, not your mother, mother in law, sister or friends. There are a few ways you can negotiate for the name you want. You can each make a list of your top five or ten favorites and compare lists. One of you can choose the first name while the other chooses the middle name. One parent can choose a girl’s name, while the other chooses for a boy. If either of you really hates a name, that person should have veto power.
Patricia Hughes is a freelance writer and mother of four. Patricia has a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education from Florida Atlantic University. She has written extensively on [tag-cat]pregnancy[/tag-cat], childbirth, parenting and breastfeeding. In addition, she has written about home décor and travel.
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