Early Signs Of Pregnancy Pregnancy Stages Of Pregnancy

Are You Having Some Pregnancy Symptoms?

What are some of the early signs of pregnancy? While there are some women who claim that they get a ‘feeling’ when they are pregnant and do not need to rely on detecting a pregnancy symptom, others, however, need to have some type of clue to point out to them that maybe there might be a bun in the oven. For this group of women, they count on a pregnancy symptom or a series of them.

Some women claim that they get a ‘feeling’ when they are pregnant and do not need to rely on detecting a pregnancy symptom.  For others, however, they need to have some type of clue to point out to them that maybe there might be a bun in the oven.  For this group of women, they count on a pregnancy symptom or a series of them.  This article outlines common and some not so common early signs of pregnancy, things that can help to notify a woman that she is pregnant. 

First Trimester

For many women, one of the common [tag-tec]pregnancy symptoms[/tag-tec] in the first trimester manifests in changes to their body and its usual functions.  One example of this is in alterations to a woman’s menstrual cycle.  She may experience a lighter, or in some cases, a heavier flow.  Or, perhaps, she may find that she needs to urinate more frequently than usual. 

Another common first trimester pregnancy symptom is in a woman’s increased tendency toward queasiness, or more commonly termed morning sickness.  While [tag-ice]morning sickness[/tag-ice] can be a misnomer in that it does not always occur in the morning, this general feeling of malaise strikes many pregnant women and is perhaps the most telling pregnancy symptom of all.

Breast tenderness is another tell-tale [tag-self]symptom of pregnancy[/tag-self] which many women notice and the discomfort that may cause can make them reach for the phone and make an appointment with their doctor.

Second Trimester

In the second trimester morning sickness is less likely, but there are certainly many more body changes which count as a pregnancy symptom.  For instance, if pregnant, a woman’s nipple size, tenderness and even the areola surrounding the nipples change in appearance, sometimes getting darker. 

While in the second trimester, a common pregnancy symptom is the dreaded heartburn attacks and most pregnant women wisely keep a stock of antacids nearby.  Another pregnancy symptom in this trimester is the appearance of varicose veins.  These are not usually a medical concern but definitely often a cosmetic one.  Who wants green or blue lines running across their legs?

Third Trimester

Even though determining pregnancy is no longer an issue, there are still many pregnancy symptoms that show their heads in this phase.  In this trimester, a pregnancy symptom is demonstrated when observing the woman’s belly: usually one can actually see the baby moving from the outside!  Also, at this point, the woman’s belly button will often poke out and transform an otherwise normal belly button into an ‘outie’.

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