
Pregnancy Pillow – A Wise Investment?

Unless you’ve been through it personally, the efficacy of a pregnancy pillow might elude you. Of course, we all like to put our feet up and relax after a hard day at the office. For a pregnant woman it is not so easy to get comfortable. Here are some things to consider.

pregnant woman resting comfortably in bedUnless you’ve been through it personally, the efficacy of a pregnancy pillow might elude you. Of course, we all like to put our feet up and relax after a hard day at the office. For a pregnant woman it is not so easy to get comfortable. In this case, the proverbial office means enduring another long day with what seem like a heavy tire attached to your belly.

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First of all, let’s talk a little bit about comfort. What can a pillow, specifically a pregnancy pillow, do for anyone anyway?

During pregnancy there is a natural tendency for the spine to be an unnatural curve causing soreness and potential chronic trauma. It can show itself in slipped discs or pregnancy related sciatica. To put this in plain English – it causes back pain.

In bed it is hard to get comfortable and sleeping on the back is not recommended as it can cut off oxygen supply, especially after five months of pregnancy. The pregnancy pillow is an aid – maybe a god send. The basic idea of the pregnancy pillow is to correct the posture in bed and take pressure off the spine. Women say it’s great and hence the appreciation for any relief.


Health considerations beyond what we mentioned above include maintaining a positive attitude, with which the entire nine month term of child bearing might be borne smilingly. Real health, to both mother and child is where the pregnancy pillow earns its wings so to speak. The pregnancy pillow might get punched once or twice, but it’s more likely that it will transform from just any pillow to a trusted friend. It’s not entirely unusual to see the mother-to-be carrying her pregnancy pillow around the house with her and even to the hospital. It provides balance, security and even a subliminal early opportunity to practice carrying baby!


The value of a few good hours of sleep while pregnant can’t be stressed enough. It is also to metaphorically stock up on some sleep before 3AM feedings and 5AM diaper changes begin! The heck with my security blanket; where’s my pillow?


Pregnancy pillows are available commercially and are typically long body pillows that can go between the legs or can be held while attempting to rest on the left side of the body. Actually, any pillow that serves the purpose is useful and makes a great pregnancy pillow.

Chiropractors offer pillows for the neck and spine. After pregnancy it can be burned in the back yard, given to a friend, donated to charity – or stored in the closet for next round or two!

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  • Pregnancy Pillow – A Wise Investment?…

    Unless you’ve been through it personally, the efficacy of a pregnancy pillow might elude you. Of course, we all like to put our feet up and relax after a hard day at the office. For a pregnant woman it is not so easy to get comfortable. Here are some…


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