Early Signs Of Pregnancy Pregnancy

What are the Early Signs of Pregnancy?

Before a woman confirms that she is actually having a baby, she may rely on an early sign of pregnancy. There are many signs and every woman has varied experiences, yet here are some of the common early signs of pregnancy.

Do You Have an Early Sign of Pregnancy?
Before a woman confirms that she is actually having a baby, she may rely on an early sign of pregnancy. There are many signs and every woman has varied experiences, yet here are some of the common early signs of pregnancy.

Changes in the Period

One oft-cited early sign of pregnancy is the change in a woman’s period. There are many ways in which a woman’s period can change. For instance, a woman may find that she does not get her period at all. If a woman tracks her menstrual cycle religiously, this can be a surefire early sign of pregnancy.

In lieu of a missed period, however, a pregnant woman might learn that she is pregnant if the flow of her period seems to suddenly differ from its usual level. Her period may seem to flow heavier than she usually observes. Or, perhaps, she might discover that the flow of her period seems much lighter. Whichever the case, a change in a woman’s period can be a strong and early sign of pregnancy.

Changes in her Body

Most women will gain weight during the duration of their pregnancy. However, a surprising and unplanned bout of weight gain can be an observable early sign of pregnancy for many women. Another body change that could be taken as an early sign of pregnancy can be seen in a pregnant woman’s new tendency to feel sick to her stomach. Morning sickness, an affliction which attacks many pregnant women, will cause her to feel nausea and, in many cases, lead to vomiting. However, morning sickness is a very reliable early sign of pregnancy.

Another tell-tale sign can be increased breast tenderness which often leads unsuspecting women to head to the drug store and grab a pregnancy test stick.

Changes in Eating

It is commonly observed and reflected on that pregnant women will find their food cravings and dislikes change in pregnancy. An early sign of pregnancy may be found in a woman’s sudden change in what she will or will not eat. Many pregnant women will find that foods that they once liked they now cannot stand.

Others may discover that food that they usually wouldn’t touch they now need every single day! You might see a pregnant vegetarian suddenly craving a side of ribs and a usually hardcore carnivore may find that she feels nauseous when she so much as catches a glimpse of a steak!

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