Early Signs Of Pregnancy

What Are The First Signs Of Pregnancy?

There are actually around ten different issues that can be considered as a first sign of pregnancy. One example are tender and swollen breasts. This is perhaps the earliest first sign of pregnancy, and the soreness may feel like an exaggerated version of how your breasts would feel before your period.

Understanding the First Sign of Pregnancy

Is there really a first sign of pregnancy? Well, there is actually more than one sign that can be considered as the first sign of pregnancy, and if you are planning to get pregnant, or otherwise think you may be pregnant, it is incredibly important to understand what the first sign of pregnancy is, so that if you are [tag-tec]pregnant[/tag-tec], you will know.

What is the First Sign of Pregnancy?

There are actually around ten different issues that can be considered as a first sign of pregnancy. One example are tender and swollen breasts. This is perhaps the earliest first sign of pregnancy, and the soreness may feel like an exaggerated version of how your breasts would feel before your period.

Another telling sign is that of extreme or even at least noticeable fatigue. Although no one knows for sure what it is that causes this fatigue in pregnancy, it is usually during the first trimester when it is the most intense, and usually weans off for the second and third trimester.

Bleeding is also another sign of pregnancy, and this bleeding is usually very light, and although is often times mistaken for a regular menstrual cycle at first, the difference is noticeable when the bleeding stops after only a day or two. Nausea and vomiting are two of the most commonly described and known signs of pregnancy, and this will usually begin about a month after conception. However, it should be known that some women will start to feel queasy even earlier than that, while others may not experience this so-called [tag-ice]morning sickness[/tag-ice] at all.

There is also the matter of having increased sensitivity to odors, as when you are pregnant, especially during the beginning period, you may experience nausea simply from the smell of food cooking or perfume or something of the sort. As well, abdominal bloating is another incredibly commonly described symptom, as hormonal changes in early pregnancy leave many women feeling bloated, similar to the feeling that some women have right before their regular menstrual cycle.

Frequent urination is another common experience, and this is because during pregnancy the amount of blood and other fluids in your body increases, which thus leads to extra fluid being processed by your kidneys and ending up in your bladder .Missing a menstrual cycle is perhaps the most ‘obvious’ sign of pregnancy, although it should also be known here that women do not always miss their menstrual cycle when they are pregnant; for some it even continues right on into the second and third trimester.

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